Ask HN: Is there money in RAG?

3 points by tamersalama 7 hours ago

I see that the market strength of RAG-based solutions is in internal (proprietary) repositories of data.

I built a small one for publicly accessible documents but the models (or models with internet access) are gaining ground.

I wanted to hear more thoughts.

bearjaws 6 hours ago

RAG is going to get eaten alive by Google, MS, and OpenAI.

The only way you will be able to beat them is in tiny niches, but when it comes to importing an organizations "knowledge" it will be hard to compete with the companies that already have it (O365, Google)

mooreds 5 hours ago

One data point. At $CURJOB, we pay good money for, which ingests our public documentation and other forms of data and serves up a chatbot.

verdverm 6 hours ago

In the market of AI solutions, RAG is a feature. The best way (imho) for small outfits is to have an existing expertise in a field and bring these tools to it. The big players will capture the generic, one-size-fits-all market. Specialized solutions for specific problems and industries is where it's at. Also, don't limit yourself to LLMs and RAG. There is a lot of other algorithms that are useful and provide value

  • methusala8 5 hours ago

    There is a lot of other algorithms that are useful and provide value

    can you please elaborate? Thanks.

ldjkfkdsjnv 4 hours ago

Vertical specific RAG is a huge market